Healthy Church Series


HC Church Cover Chinese

Healthy Churches Chinese

GOD IS NOT AS INTERESTED in growing the size of a church as He is in growing the people inside.  Believers in healthy churches will naturally share the message of Christ and bring others into God’s family, the church.  Today’s church leaders are being challenged to create a spiritually healthy environment in their churches so that growth can take place.  When we shift our focus from an obsession with church growth to a passion for church health, we will see God grow His churches like never before.

The key is understanding what leads to growth.  Is it small groups?  Corporate worship? Bible teaching? Every church needs a plan or pattern to follow to help make those decisions.

This Volume outlines 5  of the basic components of a healthy church modeled by the early church in Acts 2.  The end result of flowing this pattern is also described in Acts 2-the Lord “added to their number…” The formula is simple when we see how God likes to grow His church.


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